
Strawberry Grapefruit Poptail

August 16, 2013

What do you get when you combine a popsicle and a cocktail? A poptail!

Strawberry Grapefruit Vodka

When Pintrest first became the “hot thing” there was this image of a Corona Popsicle that kept popping up… eventually I just had to make it for myself… and was pretty bummed that they didn’t taste as great as they looked (what did I expect… I don’t even like beer that much to begin with!). So… when I came across this amazing line-up of “adult popsicles” I was pretty excited to give another recipe a try!


Strawberry Grapefruit Greyhound Poptail

From Bakers Royale

  • 8 oz Grapefruit Juice
  • 12-14 Strawberries
  • 5 oz Vodka
  1. Puree grapefruit juice and strawberries in a blender. 
  2. Once combined, add vodka and puree for 20 more seconds.
  3. Pour mixture into popsicle molds and let freeze overnight.
  4. Enjoy quickly because these puppies melt… FAST!

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