Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!
I have always loved Valentine’s Day, maybe because my mom always made it such a fun holiday to celebrate, or maybe the color scheme or the hearts… I don’t know. But despite the fact I can count on one hand (not even using all my fingers!) how many times I’ve celebrated this day with a boy, I am very happy to get to celebrate it with J this year (today also marks our 7 month anniversary…time really flies!).
I am so lucky to have married my love, my partner in crime and my best friend. He understands my obsession with flowers and coffee table books, he respects my OCD and my obsession with everything having it’s “place,” he lets my reality TV shows take up most of the DVR space, and he is the best travel buddy a person could ask for. He is the smartest, funniest and most generous and motivated person I’ve meet. I look up to him so much and am so proud of him each and every day.
Happy V-day J… I love you! xoxo
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