So I did a juice cleanse… and I completed it! With ZERO cheating (might I add) and I couldn’t be prouder of myself (can’t you tell?!).
Before my wedding I attempted a cleanse that was comprised of a protein shake in the morning and lettuce with a protein and lemon juice for lunch and dinner. Needless to say this five day cleanse was cut short on day 3 after my parents had an intervention and said I was becoming something resembling the span of Satan.
Ever since then, I’ve been intrigued by the whole juice cleanse and really wanted to complete something like this. Some of my coworkers do the master cleanse once a year (the lemon juice, cayenne pepper, maple syrup, water cleanse) and have done it for 20 days straight in the past! They gave me some advice/tips, one of them being a lot of it is in your head. Also, you have to be doing it for the right reasons (ex. not to just lose weight).
I’ve been in a bit of a workout/body image slump and wanted something major to re-boot my system and thought what better time than now!? I have always been turned away by the price and told myself I would make the juices on my own… but over a year later I cannot say that I have ever done that… so I put my wallet where my heart/mind was and paid up! (I also did the math and if I ate meals out for those 3 days I would definitely be paying more!)
I drink a green smoothie every morning for breakfast, and often pick up green juice when I’m in Whole Foods… and I cannot tell you how gross some of those are. I wish I was more hardcore, but I am honest enough to admit that I cannot eat a “juice” that tastes like watered parsley… so when I was deciding which cleanse to proceed with I knew Pressed Juicery was the direction I had to go. I go with my sister to their Ferry Building location whenever I am in SF and die for every drink I’ve tried of theirs – I can’t wait to try their holiday sampler!
Day 1
I woke up at 6am to check my front door for my juice delivery (I was surprised by how excited I was for this… Is this what being an adult is?! Getting excited for juice?! Anyways…). I OCDly organized them in my fridge, moving all tempting items out of eye view (ie wine).
I started the morning with hot water and lemon and had my first juice at 9:30. I drink a green smoothie every morning, so I am not scared of green juice… But I definitely have had my share of juices that were a struggle to consume – fear not Greens 3 is delicious! I would have this delivered to my front door every morning (if I won the lottery)!
Throughout the day I consumed the 6 drinks on a two hour schedule, drinking a bottle of water in between each juice. I also ordered the chlorophyll and aloe juice (although one aloe was missing from my delivery 🙁 ) that I drank between juice 4 and 5 and after 6 respectively. All of this drinking results in necessary access to a bathroom – I highly advise against starting a cleanse before you get on no transatlantic flight or a 3 day hike.
I have read how people get energy boosts and I thought that was a load of baloney… But honestly it’s true! I haven’t had that productive of a Sunday in forever! It was so great to not have to think about what to eat/make/clean up – although I did spend the day at the farmers market, grocery store and cleaning out my kitchen cabinets and fridge… All while prepping my produce for week (not the best idea in theory but I was surprised I wasn’t tempted to cheat – just excited to finish the cleanse and enjoy my farmers market goodies!).
Day 2
I was wide awake at 5:00am – I was NOT expecting my energy levels to be like this. So I started reading cleanse reviews (I told myself not to as to not be swayed by other people’s experiences… but I couldn’t resist). I had another hot water and lemon to start my day and then my first juice at 6:30am (I didn’t want to start too early, and would have preferred to start later, because I didn’t want to be done with my juices at 5pm and be starving the rest of the night – there really is a science to this!).
I went into work at 9am and sipped on my Citrus 2 on my way in. I brought juices 3-5 to have throughout my work day along with the Chlorophyll water (which tastes the worst of all of the drinks). My energy levels were still great, I wasn’t experiencing any symptoms of past cleanses (ie headaches, fatigue, sleepiness) – which I think I can attribute to my pre-cleanse prep – easing myself off of sugar, caffeine, meat, alcohol, etc.
By the time I got home I was ready for the vanilla almond milk (the only source of fat for the day), but tried to chug a bottle of water so I wouldn’t be eating my last meal at 6pm. I had it an hour later and then crashed at 8pm and slept for 12 hours (I guess detoxing is exhausting!).
Day 3
On the home stretch! Still feeling good, but ready for some yummy food (I’ve been recipe reading – not the best of ideas). I was a little juiced out, so by Juices 4-5 I only had about 75% of them… they still tasted good, but it is just SO MUCH LIQUID. Skin is looking clear, I’m feeling lean and I’m ready to try out my rebooted metabolism (on a burger and fries. – just kidding).
Summary: Success! All the drinks are delicious and easy to drink… The most difficult part is not chewing on something (I think this is the first day of my life not doing that… Which is kind of weird to think about). My sister gave me great advice before I started – “keep yourself busy.” It kind of ruined my whole plan to have an excuse and stay in bed watching TV all day… But I think it was the best idea ever. Keeping my mind focused on my to-do list proved to be a huge help! I also was advised to start a cleanse on a weekend. It’s probably never a good time, but I choose a weekend when my husband would be out of town and I couldn’t be tempted by his steak loving, cocktail drinking ways 🙂 Overall this was a great experience of trying something new. It was empowering to successfully complete it and while I didn’t experience a state of nirvana or anything, it was great to detox and give my body a little reboot. I also have tried to adjust my food habits – I’ve been eating predominately gluten free and vegetarian, and eliminated most processed foods. The cleanse helped to curb any cravings I normally would have for these foods and I’m excited to start a more whole diet moving forward!
Good for you. I don’t think I could not chew…
It was definitely a little weird… But they have you drinking so much you almost don’t realize it! Hahaha