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Birthday Cake

September 25, 2013

Birthday CakeI finally checked the second “Summer To Do List” item off my list – bake a layer cake!  I used to bake super involved cakes when I was younger, but found it difficult to find the time as I got older.  I really enjoy the process… it’s therapeutic to me.  So when I found my sister was coming into town to celebrate her birthday, I figured when better than now to break out my apron!?

Vanilla CakeAfter many debate about which direction to go in, I decided to create what I deemed a “princess cake.” Basically something your 6 year old self would get a kick out of – vanilla cake, sprinkles, pale pink butter cream frosting… the works!

I doubled this recipe and started with A LOT of eggs, A LOT of butter and A LOT of sugar.  I got to stirring, whipping and baking and after a few hours had 3 relatively flat layers to work with (remember to use a large serrated knife or cake knife to slice off the top of the cake to get an even/flat surface when stacking layers).  Another tip: use a small amount of frosting to ice your cake initially and let “dry” (as shown in the pictures above).  Doing this keeps any crumbs from getting into your final frosting layer.

SprinklesI only used a couple drops of red food coloring to achieve the pale pink color.  I frosted the top and then finished with colored sprinkles.  Next I frosted the edges with a spatula (my kitchen is not fully equipped yet!) and then piped around the edges (let’s be honest it was to hide any issues with the “seams”/edges).

I added a few colored candles and we were all set for happy birthday!

Taylor BirthdayHappy birthday Ta!!