
Beach Workout

April 3, 2014

IMG_8861There is nothing like laying next to extremely fit people in a swimsuit to jump start the need to workout.  The joy of vacationing is that you don’t need to be anywhere, so there really are no excuses to get out and move (although that doesn’t keep me from trying to make them).

IMG_8832My sister Taylor kicked our bootys (booties?!) shore side and I wanted to share her workout – do if you dare! 


(click links for how-to videos)

5 Minute Warm Up

Bench Work

20 each x 3 rounds 

(find a nearby bench or chair)


– Jack Knifes

Mountain Climbers

– Twisted Mountain Climbers

(mountain climbers but with your knees crossing over your body)

Plank Jacks

(rest elbows on the bench, with your body in plank position, do jumping jacks with the lower half of your body)

*Jump rope in between each round for a minute

Leg Work

10 each x 3 rounds 

Squat Jumps

Bench Lunges

– Pacquiao Lunges

(left/forward/right lunge – alternate legs after each set)

Core/Ab Work

1 minute each

– Push Ups


V Ups

IMG_8895IMG_8914IMG_8888IMG_8917IMG_8945IMG_8922IMG_8908What is your vacation workout regimen? Any tips?

IMG_8866 IMG_8864 IMG_8861For more workout tips and some killer playlists check out one of my favorite blogs – Sweat and the Sweet Life!

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1 Comment

  • Reply Amy Beth April 3, 2014 at 8:52 am

    I obviously love this! And loved living vicariously through you ladies on your trip! Thanks for the shout out 🙂

    Expect a ‘let’s catch up’ email in your inbox soon!


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